Archive for the ‘Bollywood’ Category

3 Idiots, is a film with a simple comedy drama genre with the scolding to the world an extraordinary education. Moral message at present is about the moral message, why? world of education scored only educational robots without a conscience. Who are only concerned with quantity and away from quality.

The film also flicked their parents ‘naughty’, who educate their children in mambabi blind. You must work for this company, you must have a car, you must be a handy man, You must be proud, you have to have a luxury car, you must have romah building, you have to do this .. You must be so .. without chance mempartanyakan “Son if adults want to be what … follow your conscience .. what is in their own hearts.

Whether you’re a ball player, whether you be a photographer, whether you be a writer, whether you become a trader. As long as you are aware that your choice and of course happy, we as parents will always support you because you are actually only a surrogate of God.

Thus such a mindset which communicated with a straightforward, in this film 3 Idiots. While in the education world is without conscious, a teacher or lecturer implement a system, which should have been in revision for this present moment, the system of teaching without conscience and authoritarian.

Moreover, teaching is a process that is only based on theory, where kecakapah only viewed from the high value in the can, regardless of ability that we can, all that nonsense, without meaning.

Graduation is usually made in the final outcome of a final and in the solder becomes the main objective. Yet the most important thing is to achieve a dream that we yearn. Of course without a hitch and arangan which way we choose to realize that dream, if this can already be understood then success will follow behind us.

And the synopsis and reviews of this movie I’ll make it in the post and a separate title of this film 3 Idiots. 3 Idiots movie world criticism and parental education. A film about the spirit of conscience, friendship, sincerity and power of choice based on conscience and especially the happiness.
Source : blogger Indonesia